For about the last two years I unlearned mechanical habits that wreaked my grip and the skin on my hands. I also learned how to properly accelerate the kettlebell in the most efficient way possible in all the lifts including the press;) Efficiency means more bang for the buck in terms of spent energy. This is true with any thing. It is called skill.
The techniques with regard to the athletes cover the entire spectrum of fitness. The safest technique is used because of the proof, and that proof is the athletes lift the most weight (we are talking about kettlebell as a tool for fitness ) for the most reps for the longest time and the fastest rpm. The point that is missed is that people discuss about different exercises. The other proof is that unlike other professional athletes, these guys have lengthy careers in the kettlebell in terms of ability to perform despite the aging.
Do I sound like a broken record? Probably so but I will continue to. Cate's blog on INTENT hit a lot of key points about the perception of high level athletes and making presumptions about these athletes which could prove to be accurate or inaccurate. Its mostly the latter myself included.
The biggest obstacle was the ego. It prevented me from unlearning habits. The other point missed is whether "my technique is right or wrong." Its about percentage. If your technique has 80% of the skills that a high level athlete has then you are on the right track. If its 20% then you need to change something.
When I met Valery I had a lot of habits and there were contributing factors.
a. I had been into kettlebells for long enough time to handle 32 kgs. To try to learn something new with a difficult weight is virtually impossible. To change technique(locking the finger for example), I went back to the 12 kg. Guess what, it didn't "feel" right. Big surprise. In my limited experience of teaching, new people are no more difficult to teach the swing then someone who learned from a non high level athlete. If anything its easier to teach newbies. (broken record).
b. As I picked Valery's brain, I found myself questioning technical advice particularly how it felt. How many of you out there have often said. "Its not for me." "I have my own thing" bla bla bla. Its not easy! I know how you feel more then you know how you feel ha ha. And by the same token Valery, Denisov or Fuglev (to name a few) know much much more about it then I do.
My ego held my learning back.
c. Now for the big secret to success.
Its work. I know that doesn't have the "sizzle" that people would prefer but that is two fold.
1. Never stop learning from the best resource that you can.
2. Never stop working.
Wednesday - Aug. 14
5 years ago