Send an email at USkettlebelllifter@gmail.com for details about location and payment.
Spend a day with the first Master of Sport in both lifts and best pound for pound US lifter.
Learn his methods of training from start to finish and the specifics of how to chalk a kettlebell with or without water.
Learn how to warm up the back, legs and lungs, shoulder with mobility drills that he practices.
Learn how stretch the areas worked.
Learn about how to have mental edge when preparing for competition.
Learn the detail to the finest point as he explains technique per individual based on body type.
Learn about nutrition and supplements he uses for wellness and performance enhancement. (note the previous blog about resting heart rate, blood pressure and cholesterol.
You will understand what he does and how he does it.
The price is 119.00 for the day, That includes warm up, training, stretching, wellness topics and philosophy of competition.
A package for 4 sessions is 299.00. Each session will be 4 hours or more depending on the amount of sign ups. Also, the availability will be Saturday and Sunday as a contingency.
If people are out of town, I can accommodate up to 2 people at my residence on a first come first serve basis.
Remember, this is an in person training session which has more value then any other method. Bring a notebook and a willingness to learn and an understanding that you will improve.
If you decide to take the package you will be measured on your improvement and have homework:)
I look forward to working with you.
Kettlebell Lifter