Tuesday, October 28, 2008


When training for kettlebell competition up to Toronto my failure, I had been recovering from surgery.  Didn't have too too much time to prepare because of the volume issue.  My biggest mistake was not training a 10 minute set prior to.  My longest set up to that time was 6 minutes and it wasn't consistent.  

Experience teaches us how to overcome these obstacles even when out of shape.  Since kettlebell sport is highly mental, there is more difficulty to overcome that.  But not impossible.  I should have.  But this will add to the experience.  Each competitor has unique challenges to face and some common challenges.  

Either way, all but the very greatest forget subtle things when they stop training.  Since my technique is not perfect or wasn't perfect;)  I had to re vamp how to reapply what Valery tried to teach me.  Like I said in the previous blog I adjusted the rack position in the middle of the set for no reason but it stuck and now I feel more comfortable.  I will post a pic or will be in Cincy Nov or Atl(HUGE MEET) in December in case those reading plan to attend.  

Thats the crux of it though, you learn 80% by watching and even trying on the spot with a coach watching, but some of the learning(in some ways the most crucial) is doing the reps and the time in the training hall.  Believe it or not but the "nice" people on igx who enjoy discussions miss that , because there is too much discussion.  Not enough application.  

For those who think you know it all that went to a cert or a seminar or a bunch, well maybe you do!  I have to see your form;)  But going to a cert AKC or otherwise and expecting to know 100% is not realistic.  You have train train train to reinforce what you learned.   That is if you want to be good or knowledgeable.  I think that is the biggest thing why people "hang on" to using a kettlebell "for anything".  You can sell it for results with a shortcut.  "The shortcut to blah blah"  There is no shortcut to results.  

Saturday, October 25, 2008

The differences between a Master of Sport and beyond

I'm not a Master of Sport in long cycle yet.  But I am understanding aspects of technique only very recently.   I now understand what Valery meant when he said I was ready for 90 jerks when I was doing 70.  

I can't say that this will be.  But it means the difference between Master of Sport and World Class (achieved fairly).  I remember Denisov telling me that MSIC not being difficult.  I believe that it is possible now to feel that way.   Difficulty comes from a frame of reference.   His frame of reference is different from mine.  I do not have his. MS had been achieved in LC though unofficially I feel that will not go away(the ability to do this).  I can't wait to see what will happen next.  When I started this I didn't rank VII.  That proves that anyone can do this(Master of Sport or beyond).  It comes in steps/levels and mindsets.  See where you end up after the initial training phase and constantly learn.  Don't stop learning.  Valery is an invaluable resource second to none in the kettlebell world. He did 110 snatches each hand with 32 kg at 76 kg BW.   

I did 55 each hand with 32kg at 70 kg.    

He has a champion's talent, frame, coach, discipline, and work ethic.   Though I do not at this point I will keep pursuing it and learning even though I am a "Master".   Discipline and passion can be groomed and it will build on it self in the training hall.   The specifics about what I learned are based on my rack position and my frame and what Valery wanted me to do about 1.5 years ago.  It didn't feel right before at all.   Even when making Master of Sport and beyond my rack position and the ascent of the jerk didn't feel quite right.   Now it does and I am doing what he said.  Let us see.  

Saturday, October 11, 2008

The heart rate monitor: working for time and a fitness persective

Ok.  The first object is to consider what happens when we increase intensity and what we are training for.  

I typically burn 100-140 calories with a heart rate monitor but the benefits of fitness in a set( for time) from a physics perspective might be more.  There are two points that come to mind.  

1.  The work done by each rep and multiplied by the number of reps(Kinetic Work)  
2.  The rest of the time in between the reps(potential work)

While the heart rate monitor might be off it bases its calculation on heart rate.  What is interesting is what happens after the set is finished.

This had been done a few times.  I'll use this.  

I had a 5k run in 22.5 minutes
Average Heart Rate 165
Peak 180

I had one 102 reps for 10 minutes with OALC without setting the weight down and switching every minute.  1 32kg bell.  Average HR 175.  Peak 185.


With Scenario 1: Burned 390 calories in 22.5 minutes and 160 in 30 minutes following
With Scenario 2: Burned 280 calories in 10 minutes and 250 in 30 minutes following

In this case the HR monitor doesn't know the activities themselves are different.  IT calculates intensity based on an exponential curve of HR approaching higher beats per minute.   Even though the kettlebell workout had been only slightly higher with intensity it made a bigger difference during and especially after the set.  Metabolism becomes increased and stays increased for longer.    Based on a workout, It had been 1200 calories-1600 in the first 90 minutes and who knows as it dropped off during the rest of the day and following day.   The thing I notice is that reps per minute do make a difference.  Weight does not necessarily have an effect in that reps per minute with lighter weights being inversely proportionate make p the difference with a lighter poundage.   The difference might matter more after the activity stops such as a higher HR for longer.  Gotta keep searching.  ;)  Get to work and use the HR monitor to see what is happening.